Lance Winslow Online Think Tank Coordinator - Links Who is Lance Winslow - About Lance Winslow to Lance Winslow's Activities


About Lance Winslow

Who is Lance Winslow anyway?


lance winslow character pictures


Lance Winslow is the coordinator for the Online Think Tank and one of the original founding members. Lance is actively recruiting top notched superstars of humanity in very scientific, social and global niches. Prior to running the Online Think Tank Lance Winslow was a franchisor and retired in early 2001. Later he traveled extensively and became an online writer. Today Lance has over 30,000 online articles and 189-eBooks written, many of them are here in the reading room. The rest you can find on Amazon's Kindle. You are welcome to Contact Mr. Winslow if you have questions about the Think Tank or our endeavors. Lance [AT] carwashguys (dot) com.

eBooks by Lance Winslow:

How You Can Help in Honduras 

Plan for Nairobi Slums 

Unmanned Ground Vehicles 

The Future of Hover Boards 

Holographic Projection of the Future 

The Future of Truck Technologies 

How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser (version 1)

How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser (version 2)

How to Set Up a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol

How to Set Up a Local Arson Watch Program

Raising Money for Autism - Bike-A-Thon Fundraiser Wall Street Journal Article short comment by Lance

lance winslow thinking

Sketch Books 1 & 5 of by Lance Winslow:

Abstract Thought on Skipping Time
Airborne Laser Lightning Weather Control
Anti-Terrorist Truck Bomb Barrier
Aircraft Air-Thickening Concept
Bus Stop Water Retention Concept
Cargo Helicopter Slat Device
Cloning Family Challenges
CO2 Atmospheric Collection
Contoured Winglet Design
Convoy Laser Protection System
Electromagnetic Space Energy Collection
Emergency Depressurization Safety Device
Endless Hydro Electricity Generation
Harbor Mouth Defense System
Hollow Planet Theory
Laser Relay System
Airlift Aircraft STOL Concept
Micro-Loan Mobile Cart Business
New Aircraft Design I
Perpetual Motion Toy Vehicle
Prepackaged Food Drop Concept
Anti-Terrorist Shoulder SAM Defense
Sending Data by Light
UAV Cargo Launch Aerial Re-Fueling
Smart Dust Dispersion Device
Super Volcano Prevention
Thinking on Religious Symbols
UAV Self-Burying Drop Device
Unique MAV Concepts
VTOL UAV Concept
Weather Control Concept I


Essays by Lance Winslow:

lance winslow thinker

Some Additional Writing of Lance Winslow:

Aerospace Concepts Articles
Futurist Technologies Articles
Science Invention Ideas Articles

Lance Winslow FTC Letter
Lance Winslow FTC Letter II

Lance Winslow's Articles


Business Endeavors

History of the Car Wash Guys

Recent Efforts at the Car Wash Guys

Company Promotional Videos

Media Coverage

lance winslow author photo

Business Travels

Lance Winslow's Recommended Reading

Biography Story About Lance Winslow: The Car Wash Guys The Aircraft Wash Guy The Winslow of Window Wash Guys  The Deck Wash Guys WashGuys Concrete Wash Guys Bus Wash Guys  Team Yellow

Lance Winslow's Future Book Projects:

*  Completed - ready for editing in Green
** Completed - ready to Read and View Now in Red
***Currently in Progress

Futurist Books by Lance Winslow

Taking Over the World, But When - The Future of Artificial Intelligence at a Cross Roads

 The Quotient of All Fears - The Dooms Day Reality and Probability Disaster from a Comet, Meteor, Asteroid Strike Taking Out Our Home Planet

Computer, Human or Both? The Future Technology of Computer-Brain Interfaces, are You Scared Yet?

Wake Turbulence & Hard Economic Landings - Considering the Economics of the 21st Century

 The Ultimate Model to Unite the World in a Common Cause - Examining the Modern Day Franchise System in Search of a Global Peace for the Next 1,000 Years

 Is My Flying Car in My Future Garage? - Automotive Technologies of the Future, a realistic look into the Science and Technology of Our Personal Transportation

 Future Aviation Technologies - Look Over the Horizon of the aircraft and airports of the Future

The Best is Yet to Come - the Time is Now - Future Concepts and Technologies Discussed without Boundaries

Growing Our Own Fuel: The Switch to E85 Ethanol - The Reality, Politics and Viability

Killing Hurricanes and Weather Control Technologies - Modern Technology Meets Science Fiction and Man Now Has the Tools to Play God

 LED Lighting of the Future - How the Revolutionary Technologies of LED Lighting are Going to Secretly Change our Future

 MAVs - Micro Air Vehicles of the Future - Unmanned Aircraft the Size of a Model Airplane, Your Hand or Even An Insect are Now a Reality, What Comes Next?

Stopping Locust Plagues - One of the Biggest Ancient Fears of Humankind will Soon Be Conquered, Learn the Secrets to the Science and Technology Behind the Plan

Don't Touch this Book - It's Too Hot! Pure Opinion Politics (3-Volumes) Discover the Secrets Behind All You Think You Know About Modern Day Politics in the News - Pure Opinion and Politics

RFID and The Future - Rapid Advances in RFID Tags are About to Solve Many Challenges of Humankind, Yet Caution is Also Warned of an Potential Eventuality that Has Some Folks Sacred as Hell

Robotics of the Future - Artificially Intelligent Androids Created by Man to Serve  is the Ultimate Goal of Robotic Engineers, but Some Fear it is the Last Mistake Humans will Make

All Sensing & All Knowing SmartDust of the Future - When the Dust Becomes Part of a Net Centric System Communicating in Real-Time There will Be No Secrets Between Us

Smart Garages of the Future - The Smart House of the Future Moves to the Garage, Learn What the Artificial Intelligent Software Engineers and Computer Science Innovators are Planning Next

High Performance Motorcycles of the Future - Lighter Materials, Innovative Propulsion Systems and Racing Technologies Come Together and Change the Future of the Two Wheels

The Future of IT - Information Technologies are Moving Forward at Breakneck Speed, the Road Ahead Turned Out to Be a Runway, but the What  Comes Next will Shock You

The Future of Personal Tech - Cell Phones are Becoming Computers, Cars Are Becoming Smarter than Humans, Soon You Will Not Have to Worry - You Will Be One With Your Personal Tech Toys

The Human Animal Debate - Scientists have Learned Astonishing Facts About Other Species, Further Separating Humankind from the Notion of Divine Intervention in Creation

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technologies of the Future: UAVs are Changing Aviation Forever, Pilot Error Will Cease to Exist, But Computer Error Could Complicate Safety - A Futurist Look at the Reality of Flying Artificial Intelligent Aircraft

Video Game Design of the Future - Your Living Room is About to Open to a Whole New World if You Dare to Take it - The Future of Video Games Will Blow You Away

Virtual Reality of the Future - One of the Fastest Moving Technologies of Our Time is about to Hyperspace Your Reality - Stay Ahead of the Curve and On the Bleeding Edge of Your Belief System - Ready or Not!

Wind Cars of the Future - Hybrids, Tri-Brids, and Wind Car Technologies will Increase Efficiency and Move like Hockey Pucks - Dare to Learn How These Future Cars will Work

Hover Boards and Skateboards of the Future eBook by Lance Winslow

Holographic Projection Technologies of the Future eBook by Lance Winslow

Truck Technologies of the Future eBook by Lance Winslow

Military Books:


·         Human Fighter Pilots VS. Artificial Intelligent UAVs - The Last Generation of Manned Warplanes and the Future of Air Combat - The Future of Military Air Superiority

·         The Robotic Net-Centric Battlespace of the Future


·         Winslow on War; Military Strategy and Philosophy - War-fighting Theory for the 21st Century


Advanced Weapon Technologies of the Future - Hyperspacing of Science in the Name of War


Unmanned Vehicle Robotic Warfare - Hide and Seek Strategies


Other Books:

Religion at a Cross Roads - A Discussion on the Absurdity of Human Religion

A Test of Will - Biking Across America - Lower Latitude Routes

Common Sense Psychology 101- The Hypothetical Science of Common Sense

Downtown Revitalization - Reversing the Urban Flight and Suburban Divide to Bring Prosperity Back to the City

Public Schools Under Fire - Alternative Learning and Home Schooling Tips for Parents and Educators

Are We Really Doing the Right Thing? A Discussion on Honesty in Humanities - Cause and Effect of Third World Humanitarian Efforts

Becoming the Writer You Want to Be - Re-positioning Yourself as a Freelance Writer

Just Saying "No" with Style - How to Run a Successful Red Ribbon Week Program

Human Psychology of Winning - The Art, Science and Psyche Needed for Achievement

How Do They Do It? - Hypersonic Humans and Overachievers in Society, the Ultimate Case Study

Internet Fraud & Freedom in the Balance - Blurred in the Information Age of Modern Society, the Challenges of Identity Theft, Fraud &  Privacy

Lessons on Internet Forums & Blogging - Bullying, Personal Attacks and Hate Speech Comes Alive in the Digital Age

Motivation, Goal Setting & Success Strategies - Achieving Your Objectives Every Time

Online Article Writing - How to Become an Internet Author and Online Writer

RV Knowledge Primer - Before You Set Out Across the Nation Know the Facts About Your Adventure

A Divided World - Coming Together, a Dialogue of the Most Pressing Social Issues of Our Time and What Must Be Done to Unite Humanity

The Flow of Thought - Exploring the Human Mind and Its Abilities and Why Creating Artificial Intelligence is Harder than We Think

The Flow of Transportation & Distribution - How it All Works and the Secrets to Its Resilience, Redundancy and Success

The Flow of Water - Our Most Important Resource is Stressed, It's More Serious than You Suspect

Think on It - Modern Day Philosophy the Makes You Think, Reason and Explore

Running to Win - Winning Strategies for the Long-Distance Runner

Raising Money for Autism; Bike-A-Thon   

Plan of Action for Nairobi Slums   

How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser     

How You Can Help in Honduras  


Business Books:

Change Management - Averting the Chaos and Understanding What is Really Happening During this Time of Turmoil, Designed for Organizations, Agencies and Businesses of All Sizes

The Power of Presence - Brand Marketing in the 21st Century

Customer Service - Developing a Personalized Strategy to Energize Referrals and Keep Your Customers Coming Back in Waves 

The Entrepreneurial Advantage - Take It! Insight from a Retired Entrepreneurial Over Achiever - Step by Step Strategies to Turbo Charge Any Size Company to Go All the Way

Business Strategies & Systems Thinking - A Look Into the Secret Efficiencies of Finite Capacity Scheduling Models as Applied to Small Business

How to Buy a Franchise Business - Step-by-Step Guide Investing in a Franchised Outlet

Marketing Magic and Market Share Management - Developing a World Class Marketing, Branding and Grass Roots Strategy for Peanuts

Non-MBA Business Management Strategies - Secret Strategies to Propel Your Small Business without an MBA

Over Regulation in American - How Government Regulators are Crippling America's Growth

Sales Management Strategies - Sales People are a Different Breed - Learn the Secrets into Harnessing this Powerful Personality to get Quantifiable Results on Your Time Schedule

Sales Training Tips From the Real World - Overcoming the Barriers of the Dominant Sales Personality to Teach them the Techniques and Relationship Strategies to Win for Your Company's Bottom Line

Winning at the Sales Game - Tips, Techniques and Tactics to Turbo Charge Your Sales and Top Your Customer's Expectations During the Sales Process

Strategic Planning -the Entrepreneurial Start-Up - Turn Your Business Planning into an On-going Planning Process without Losing the 'Entrepreneur's Edge'

The Case for Outsourcing and Off Shoring - Considering the Importance of Free Markets, Free Trade and Profits and How These Realities can Make or Break Your Company's Future

Understanding the Franchise Business Model - The Greatest Business Format Ever Created is Often the Most Misunderstood - Dive into the Philosophy, Economies of Scale and Branding of Modern Day Franchising

Choosing the Best Franchise for You and Your family - Strategically Selecting the Best Business Situation for Your Lifestyle, Skills Sets, Financial ability and Future - Navigating the Maze of Sales Tactics, Disclosure Documents and PR Hype

Adventures in Advertising for Advanced Entrepreneurs - Alternative Marketing, Promotion and Advertising to Advance Your Profits on a Budget

Business Ethics for Entrepreneurs - Secrets to Slamming the Competition, Making Excess Profits While Maintaining Your Ethical Responsibility


Science Fiction Books:


Human and Alien Civilizations and the Emergence of Inter-Species Law - Humans are Dangerous, Alien Species dominate Technology - the struggle for resources, culture and the Freedom to Choose challenges all we know, changing the the Planet Forever

The Cubed Experience - Advanced Virtual Reality Technologies challenge cultural norms and the first human trillionaires emerge, as chaos ensues and reality is turned on it's head when the Cubed Experience is revealed

5u53j Son of Ander - Secret Department of Defense Time Traveling Technologies are used to send an AI Android back to Biblical periods - a simple observational error is made, which challenges all we think we know and changes everything we are


Small-Business Books:

Bonsai in Blitz Marketing for Small Business - Never Trust Your Marketing to a Guerrilla - Learn the Secret Strategies of a Serial Entrepreneur

Direct-Mail Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs - Customizing your Marketing Mailings to Increase Profits and Retain New Customers

Online Internet Web Site Marketing Strategies - Market and Develop a Professional and Profitable Website on a Reasonable Budget

Small-Business Image and Presentation - Image is Everything, Discover All There is to Know About Your New Positive Business Image

Small-Business Networking Strategies - Your Success Hinges on Your Community Contacts - Learn the Secrets to Winning the Game

Starting a Boat Cleaning Business - Everything You Know to Become a Nautical Entrepreneur

Marketing a Boat Cleaning Company - Promoting, Public Relations and PR Strategies for a Profitable and Successful Business

Starting a Mobile Auto Detailing Business - Start-up Strategies for a Successful Car Detailing Company

Starting a Mobile Car Wash Business - Learn the Secrets of The Car Wash Guy with Over 30-years in the Industry

Marketing a Mobile Car Wash Company - Promoting, Public Relations and PR Strategies for a Profitable and Successful Business

Starting a Mobil Oil Change Business - Discover Secrets for a Successful Start-up, Equipment, Finances, Alliances, Vendors and Strategies/span>

Starting a Mobil Truck Wash Business - Start-up Strategies to Get Your Company Rolling

Starting Your Own Detail Shop - Understanding the Strategies for a Successful Start-up with a Fixed Site Auto Detailing Company

How to Market a Coffee Shop - Competing With the Corporate Brands on a Shoestring Marketing Budget

Starting an Aircraft Cleaning Service - Just Plane Everything You Need to Know to Get Your Start-up to Take Off

Marketing Strategies for Car Washes - Tips and Tactics to Increase Profits and Keep Customers


Lance Winslow's Environmental Work in Industry


First, understand that all too often "Commercial Enterprise" is demonized by environmentalists. Here is a reply from Lance to just such a detractor that goes into a tirade against business over environmental issues.


Karishma States in the original post;

“In this world of cutthroat competition and rapid industrialization, sometimes I tend to wonder on how the importance and relevance of environmental effects is completely lost.”

I take exception to your comments. Personally I feel you are attacking me. I am an entrepreneur. I win markets, I participate in free markets, I deliver the goods and services that you as a citizen desire. You want it; I produce it. Yes I am competitive and yes I as an entrepreneur compete and yes I win. Now in my retirement I moderate this Think Tank Online Forum; but during my reign in my Industry that cutthroat competition propelled me to help the environment and compete. And do it more efficiently as well; let me give you some examples. As you trash verbally everything I am about and condemn me the entrepreneur. I believe you should read Ayn Rand. Here is just a few things I brought to the common good in the “Environmental Realm” in my industry;

First we helped develop the Environmental Policies in my Industry, now used nationwide and copied by other nations too. We also were constantly up on the “Research on BMPs to Comply with NPDES Permitting for Mobile Washers.” My company is a Mobile Carwash Franchise and we wash all sorts of other stuff too and always has strong environmental policies and cleaned up our industry as well.

We always complied with all EPA and local NPDES Permitting. Here are some posts and web pages, not in any particular order you may wish to view on the subject of the EPA requirements and innovations at my company; WashGuys:

Two devices we have invented:

Invented By: .

We have done other things to such as:

"Lance [me] worked with the County of Ventura to design a NPDES permit for the Regional Water Quality Control Board in California to comply with the EPA federal Clean Water Act. He wrote many of the Best Management Practices for surface cleaners, a category in which mobile carwash and detailers fall into for storm water non-point source discharges. These same BMPs are now used all over the United States to help preserve our fresh water supply. Lance was recognized by the City of Los Angeles for their storm water discharge program. Lance wrote a manual for the cities program, which allowed continued car wash fundraising efforts to exist even though at the time they were in conflict with the California Water Codes 13260-13280. Wash Guys BMPs are also available online through many governmental informational web sites. The City of Nashville, TN has linked their web site to WashGuys procedures as a way to help others comply with real environmental concerns." And here are several current projects: and and and and and and and and

and As you can see, in our industry we are so far ahead of the curve in environmental washing we have left everyone in the dust. Also in washing technologies for water efficiency, we can wash cars with 2.4 - 4.0 gallons of water. The impending drought will be no problem as we expand our operations to wash everything in the world. .

Here are some links of value for you: and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

and this will be of interest to you. Pictures of competition in various states. We wrote most of the environmental rules that are used around the US for Non-point source discharges back in the 1980's and 1990’s in CA. Now these BMPs are used throughout the Nation. Not only do we comply with all environmental laws we exceed them.

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So I very much take exception for your broad-brush painting of competition as “evil” as competition brings lower prices, efficiencies and abundance to markets. It delivers everything you see everywhere you go. Who do you think build all this anyway? We did, entrepreneurs and capitalists! And the USA is a competitive market, but we also have clean water here and a clean environment and it is the same innovative spirit, which will keep our environment strong. Your statement sounds Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Free Markets and I ask you to retract it, as you have offended my life’s work. Tell us what you have done to help the environment while you condemn competition, capitalism and blame me and those like me for the Earth's woes.

The Entrepreneur

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Below are some more links to Lance Winslow's endeavors:

Car Wash Guys: 
Article Author: 
History of Aircraft Wash Guys, Young Lance Winslow: 
Lance Winslow in Wall Street Journal: 
Lance Winslow on PBS Special: 
Lance Winslow III in Nashville Business Journal: 
Lance in USA Today Article: 
Oil Change Guys Historical Review:
History of the Mobile Car Wash Guys: 
Lance Winslow's Real Estate Blog: 
Founder of The Detail Guys: 
Fixed Site Car Wash Division - Lance Winslow Consultant: 
Lance's Blogging Content Site: 
Real Estate Endeavors: 
Mr. Winslow's eBooks: 
Winslow's Comments to Federal Trade Commission: 
Winslow's Letter to the FTC: 
Sir Lance Winslow wins settlement with FTC: 
Expert Articles: 
Zero Million Articles Author Lance Winslow: 
Lance's Local News Media Blog: 
Business Link: